OLYMPICS/ Modern Pentathlon Elgendy grabs first gold for Egypt; Taishu Sato wins silver_冬 の スポーツ ファッション
OLYMPICS/ Modern Pentathlon Elgendy grabs first gold for Egypt; Taishu Sato wins silver
August 11,冬 の スポーツ ファッション 2024 at 11:25 JST
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Taishu Sato shouts out after winning the men’s final fencing bonus round in Versailles, France, on Aug. 10. (Yuki Shibata)
VERSAILLES, France--Japan’s Taishu Sato won the silver medal in the men’s Modern Pentathlon held in the grounds of the Palace of Versailles on Saturday.
Ahmed Elgendy took Egypt’s first gold medal with a world record 1,555 points, despite slowing at the end, and Italy’s Giorgio Malan the bronze, meaning three continents were represented on the podium.
Elgendy’s gold was an Olympic first for an African athlete in Modern Pentathlon and followed on from the silver he took in Tokyo three years ago, which was the first medal for Egypt in the sport.
The Egyptian was in control from the start, building on his top fencing ranking with a clear round in the show jumping--after team mate Mohanad Shaban was eliminated for a fall--solid swimming and a steady hand in the laser shooting.
“After the riding I was feeling more confident, seeing the gold medal,” the Egyptian, who was almost unsaddled in Friday’s semi-final but was one of just six to get round without penalty on Saturday, told reporters.
“Before the riding, (I had) some doubts because yesterday’s riding was not the best.”
The jumping marked the last time horses will make an appearance in a men’s final, with the equestrian element to be replaced by obstacle courses at the next Olympics in Los Angeles in 2028.
Elgendy, who said he planned to continue to Los Angeles 2028, was clear going into the fencing bonus round where he stayed 13 points ahead of Japan’s Sato.
That advantage expanded to 17 points after the swimming, with Switzerland’s Alexandre Dallenbach becoming the closest rival and Sato dropping down to fourth.
Elgendy then started the laser run with a commanding advantage that he never looked like giving up, despite some time lost on the shooting, as his rivals battled behind him to be second best.
“After the first shooting, I had to run very fast for the second (lap), so I can compensate for the first shooting,” said the new champion.
The Egyptian raised his arms high in the air at the last turn of the track, celebrating already.
Britain’s reigning Olympic champion Joe Choong was fastest in the swimming section but paid the price for a poor performance in Thursday’s fencing ranking round and finished ninth overall.
“I left it all out there. I said yesterday I was sort of lying in wait for slip-ups to happen but I needed those to happen and they didn’t,” said the Briton.
“There was nothing else I could do and at the end of the day I’ve still got that gold medal in my sock drawer at home.”
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